Vanishing Fast!

UNTOUCHED WETLAND 4X16 Oil on Board ($210 Framed)
I cannot count the times I've heard farmers and developers say, "There was nothing there. It was just a swamp!" Until recently we didn't know the value of wetlands and filled them in, build over them or converted them into farmland. Today we know that they are thriving ecosystems and vital water purification filters. We may think ignorance is the architect of destruction - sometimes it's need, but sometimes it's nothing less than greed.

This painting is a small section of a much larger piece. A student wanted a demo of how to use black Gesso as an under-painting. I did this section and liked it enough to whip out the saw, cut it off and frame it! I don't think the rest of the painting made it, so thanks Tanya!


  1. Nice to meet you today in Java Jamboree. Didn't see a lot of your art, but the little bit I saw of your philosophy, I like. Check out this link. One woman making a difference...
    ...and an incredible ambassador for God
    Enjoy your weekend & have a wonderful new year.

    1. Likewise Johanna & Stan. GBM is a great org. Feel free to subscribe to the blog and or my Facebook page to see what I'm up to and keep up with the latest artwork.
      Alles wat mooi is vir julle die jaar wat voorle.

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