Coyotes Howling!

Coyotes Howling: 9x12 Oil on Board (Plein Air)

This was a winter plein air experience to remember! It was so cold, setup, painting and pack up all happened within an hour. By the end the paint started freezing - forming grains like coarse sand on the painting surface. I have 6 short video clips of that morning on my Face Book wall if you care to take a look. 

I call this painting "Coyotes Howling." Half way in, 3 packs of Coyotes started howling all around me. They were not visible, and since humans aren't on the coyotes preferred dinner menu I was in no danger. Had it been a Grizzly or Cougar, I would probably have had a slightly shorter painting experience. 

I am very happy with this painting. Maybe because of the limitation of cold. The morning sun was burning away the low mist in the foothills and casting long cool shadows over the road. 

I would say the biggest challenge an artist faces is knowing when to stop. In this case, the decision was made for me... now how can I make this decision in every situation?!

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