I had a friendly request from someone wondering what happened to the rest of the paintings from the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. Well, like I said in my newsletter under the heading Success in Failure I just couldn't get it done = the failure part. The challenge did however help me start clawing my way out of my 2 month "block" = the success part.
I said I'd post the paintings whether they were finished or not. Frankly, some were just to unfinished to post. I just couldn't do it. So, here are the ones that are a little more finished but not quite - except one.
Bowness Park, Calgary, plein air (bit of tweeking required)
The mountains behind Pringle Bay where we were last Christmas (quite a bit of tweeking required)
Oupa's mountain early in the morning. What my in-laws see from their kitchen window on the farm (moderate tweeking needed)
These grow in mom in-law's garden (some tweeking needed)
One of the Calgary Zoo's young tigers (a bit more tweeking to do)
ICY BRAGG CREEK - Done Tweeking this one now. Sorry about the shodows. Just held it near the window and click!
Big cloud. Just want to put the silver lining on this thunderhead and deepen it in the distance.
Horse Creek Road Chinook. Camera couldn't match the color of the painting (needs a tiny bit of tweeking)